
Background Leadership Academy – “building our next generation of leaders”

Background Leadership Academy is a men’s discipleship program that teaches the Biblical definition of manhood and recovers authentic masculinity through hands-on, real-life discipleship methods.

Today’s postmodern culture teaches us that truth is individually determined, not absolute.  This often produces men who have succumbed to one of the most fundamental lies of all, that he, not God defines truth.  The desire of this man leads him to pursue only what he wants, to see what only he sees, and to use whatever is necessary in an attempt to fulfill that desire. This is not God’s design. Our ministry teaches Biblical manhood and invites young men to submit to that truth within the context of active brotherhood.  We are not men who chase worldly and cultural nonsense, we stand on the truth and lead ourselves and others in that same pursuit.

Here at BLA, we define leadership as:  “knowing what is right, and doing what is right, despite all odds or opposition, and inspiring others to do the same”.

At it’s heart, BLA is a launch ministry, so many young men, even now into their 20’s and beyond, are stuck in an endless cycle of virtual reality in the worlds created by social media, video games, and pornography.  They must be led out of what is virtual and be challenged to invest in what is real; their own lives, the people around them, and the purposes of God which are meant to permeate them both on so many levels.  They must be led into real freedom, then they must lead others there as well. This is one of their great purposes as men.

Academy Students

Our discipleship program teaches Academy students through a comprehensive discipleship experience, manifesting itself in two different but complimentary ways:

  •  8 Week Academy Intensives – these training sessions are held at locations across southwest Missouri.  An 8 week intensive involves 1 training day per week where students meet with an academy instructor for hands on interaction.  The training day is structured to empower the student to align body, mind, and spirit to the task at hand in their life; accepting responsibility as a man for leading in their respective sphere of influence.  The student then carries that daily training into their week in a cumulative learning effort, as they learn to restructure their daily lives around their living purpose.
  • On-line training opportunities are currently being created to supplement 8 week intensives.  As well as a more in depth and long term summertime academy experience.
  • If you are looking for the truth of God’s Word to be presented clearly, plainly, and unapologetically, then you can book Jacob to preach at your local men’s ministry event or service by emailing him at http://www.backgroundleaders@gmail.com.  Let’s get to work men!

While with BLA, students will go through a Bible-based curriculum that teaches what the Bible says about manhood, as well as apologetics and worldviews, theology, and a proper understanding of the value and impact of leadership for the kingdom.  In addition to these pursuits of the mind, attention will be directed toward some of the health intangibles of life that are often missed by education:  the power of brotherhood, strengthening of the body, skill based self defense, healthy competition, and healthy conflict mindsets.

Our program is open to any man who desires to reclaim authentic manhood and become the man of purpose and influence he knows Christ desires him to be.  If you’re reading this today and you’re lying on your mom’s couch in the basement with a cheetos stain on your shirt, a video game controller in one hand, and a mouse in the other selecting your favorite porn site, brother there is a better way.  It’s time to put those things away, get to work, and make change in this world, we will show you how.

Learn more about The Program.

Men’s Ministry in Southwest Missouri

Our ministry is located in the Springfield, Missouri area and is designed to pull men away from the culture, minimize distractions and teach the true meaning of manhood.

Our program is designed for a hands-on discipleship experience. Contact us to learn more about attending The Academy or details.

Our leaders are also available for retreats, conferences and other men’s ministry events. If you’d like one of our leaders to speak at your events or train your team, please contact us.